Saturday, February 27, 2010

Blue Hair

Thanks to Ashlee, my niece, I got my hair done!

As you may remember, the previous color was red, now it's blue in honor of nothing in particular. I also had her dye my regrowth, etc.

Looks pretty good huh?


Thursday, February 4, 2010


So, I didn't take any photos in January. How lame is that?! How do I miss taking photos?! I'm such a lazy jerk.

Well, good news, I got the job in Motors. It's going to be a great opportunity and great move for me. Even thought it will cost me more in daycare. I'm excited to have my weekends back with Ian and never have to ask for a holiday off. wwweeeee!!!

Weight watchers is going well. It's still easy, but it sucks that I will have to watch what I eat for the rest of my life. NO FAIR! Okay, so it is fair, it just sucks. I love food so much. >.< I'm on track to loose 5 lbs a month. It's very reasonable, and I can still have some yummy food that's important to me.

It's official that Laura and I are going to FL in October! This will be the first time I've gone to FL since I was 16, with out trip revolving around Disney. I don't know what to do with myself. ha ha ha. No, but really it will be nice. We'll be staying at the number one rated beach in America - Clearwater Beach, FL. We're staying at a fabulous beach house: and it's literally walking distance to the beach, BUT it also has a pool. The kids are going to love this place. I'm not taking the boys at this point, unless something changes. I've asked Mary, my SIL if she wants to babysit, so we'll see if that works out.

We will go to Disneyworld for ONE day however since they are running their 'Give A Day, Get A Disney Day' promotion - ... so, that will be awesome, and since it's October, I think I'll go on a day when they are also having Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party, too. SOOOO COOL! Everyone needs to go!

Also, my birthday was this past Tuesday, the 2nd. I am 32 years old. I can't believe how young I am, yet how old I am too. Weird. My mom was 33 when she had me, and she still had TWO kids after that! I'm glad I was done by the time I was 30. I was 29 when I had the boys.

Well, that's all for now. I promise to take some photos for next bloggy post.